PUPPE | 2021
engl.: "Doll"
A Frame-by-Frame animated Music Video to Rammstein's song "PUPPE".
The three parts uploaded here are my contribution to the project.
For copyright reasons, the music used here is an instrumental cover made by Chrr Z.
University Project - Teamwork with Vanessa Pietzka aka. Gathuldis, Arabella Kuhn, Mitsuru Toki and Ellen Müller.
Each teammate individually animated three 12 second parts of the video.
My Parts: Concept and animation of the three parts you can see below
Other Teammates' Parts: Concept and animation of everything else in the full video

PUPPE | 1/3

PUPPE | 2/3

PUPPE | 3/3

Happy Birthday Gronkh
Birthday wishes for the german Youtuber/Streamer "Gronkh".
A small Frame-by-Frame / Keyframe Animation.
Video made by me, including: Concept, Key-Frames, Animation
Excluding: Sound Effects (royalty free Samples)
Klassischer Medrash
engl.: "Classic Medrash". The Projects language is in German.
Visualization of a situation that happened in the german DnD-Campaign series of the "DiceActors".
A small Frame-by-Frame Animation.
Video made by me, including: Concept, Key-Frames, Animation
Excluding: Sound (Clip from an Episode of the Campaign)
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